Whether your estate is large or small, planned giving is a way for you to be part of the future of the Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines. You can leave a legacy that will support the Memorial Foundation’s mission to honor our veterans and to educate future generations on the dedication and sacrifices that contribute to the freedom of our country.
A bequest can be a specified dollar amount or asset, a percentage of your estate, or the residual of your estate.
A beneficiary designation can name the Memorial Foundation as the beneficiary of assets including retirement accounts, life insurance policies, annuities and financial accounts.
For more information, please email admin@wocovets.org.
If you are considering a planned gift, please consult your attorney and tax advisors.
The Worcester County Veterans Memorial at Ocean Pines Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Maryland, with principle address of 239 Ocean Parkway, Berlin, Maryland 21811.
Our Tax Identification Number is: 20-3130695